Business Edge Briefings

The Business Edge is a briefing series for business owners and organizational leaders highlighting cutting-edge business strategies and techniques for businesses to be resilient and competitive in the domestic and global business environments.

Fall 2024 Business Edge Briefings

  • Hybrid Workforce? Get Proven Ways to Increase Performance and Productivity
    Speaker: Melissa Sanchez, SBDC Advisor, HR Strategist
    Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
    Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. PST
    Modality: Live, online (Zoom)
  • Thrive in the AI Era: Unleashing the Power of Human Connection, Care, & Creativity
    Speakers: Robin Beers, Founder, Ubuntu Culture Company
    Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
    Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. PDT
    Modality: Live, online (Zoom)

Business Edge Briefings Archive

Visit the ILS Business Edge Briefing Series YouTube channel to view previous virtual programs.

Sponsors and Community Partners

Presented by ÐÓÊ®°Ë Institute for Leadership Studies and North Bay Leadership Council. Thank you to our community partners

  • Marin Small Business Development Center
  • San Rafael Chamber of Commerce
  • U.S. Commercial Service

We offer current insights into a variety of business leadership-related topics, with an emphasis on real-world experience and success. We cover areas such as:

  • Leading change
  • Fostering resilience
  • Achieving innovation
  • Resetting your business model to fit the new economic times
  • Inspiring creativity
  • Motivating teams to increase productivity
  • Organizational transformation
  • Improving the triple bottom line
  • Managing talent
  • Staying ahead of the competition.